The Dollhouse

Porcelain Dolls in The Concrete Jungle

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Other holiday pics from our Dolls...

As January quickly draws to a close, the festive break a distant memory, The Dollhouse is hyped up for our up and coming valentines party. Singles only and it's gonna be one to remember.

So please email us if you are single and interested. Kenny Kunene's sushi parties may seem lame in comparison.

Otherwise, check out some other Jet Setter dolls and what they got up to this past festive.
Gabriel Edwards at the Yacht club in Auckland, New Zealand.
Jess Tshabalala at Media One Hotel in Dubai.
Noorunissa Bassier at Sea Point in Cape Town.

XOXO Cins...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Nights in Ponta

Our sexy nights were filled with R&R’s (Rum and Raspberry) which is the popular local “cocktail” which is known to ward off mosquito’s, saving you from the dreaded malaria virus. So naturally we had to drink these for health precautions.

The potent red liquid is rumoured to bring on pleasant hallucinations of topless, foreign men, Euphoric Love and eventually deep, restful sleep.

I have absolutely no complaints!

The pictures prove that R&R did everything they promised it would!

We Drank...
 Astrid Jordaan and Cindy Bonelle

 Josh Jordaan and Refilwe Thothela
Stacey Bonelle and Cindy Bonelle

We Danced....
 Josh Jordaan
 Tumi Thothela
 Astrid Jordaan

We tried to dance and drink...
We Drank....

We Flirted....

Some Played hard to get...

We Drank...

 Who's she fooling?

We found love in a Hopeless Place..

Did I mention We Drank?

We faded.....

We drank some more....

We caught lifts home, at the back of double cabs, driven by unsuspecting tourists...  Only on disembarking at our gate, did we realize that Guardian Angel, “Mary Jaaaaayn” was amongst the occupants of the van.

We jacked quad bikes...and got caught!

Eventually We passed out....

Which is apparently normal practice in Ponta, we learnt one dark night. While Stumbling to “Pinto’s Place” in the sinking sand....

We tripped over a particularly large, soft object. Unable to see what it was we took a picture hoping the flash would shed some light....  It did!

Our own personal Guardian Angel “Mary Jaaaaayn”
Who also doubles up as a drummer.... and stripper, it seems!
He magically appeared whenever we had lost our way (which was every night) and escorted us home. Even on the tragic night he had attempted to pole dance and fell flat on his face... gashing his knee open... (Don't ask) He still limped us all the way home.
It had become habitual that we would politely yet firmly get kicked out of Pinto’s place, when it had closed for the night, and we refused to end the party, so we often found ourselves at the unofficial after-party... the beach.
On our 3rd night we met “Poncho’s Hennie” who had just moved into the Chalet next to ours that afternoon. Understandably he did not know who we were, but as soon as we told him, he politely told his friend in broken French (with an Afrikaans accent) exactly where they could shove their ride home.

After his fourth fall, face first into the sand, with his open bottle of Ponchos.... and sand. He came up with the brilliant idea of burying his feet to keep himself anchored. This was the last picture taken of Poncho’s Hennie.
The next morning his roomies informed us that he was missing...

A search party of 3 quad bikes, were sent to find him as nobody had seen him since.
He was eventually found still drinking in an alley with some locals and returned, safely to his Chalet. When he was told that we were the last people to see him the night before, he gave us a very puzzled look, confirming that he, yet again, did not recognise or remember us, but pertly enquired “Do’z You’z know where my Poncho’s are?”
Poncho’s Hennie, You will be remembered forever!

Pinto’s place is the only club in Ponta Do Oura meaning that everybody is there every single night.
But the really Memorable thing about Pinto’s, is the fact that early in the evening, the DJ orders all the guys to take their tops off and hand them in at the DJ box until the end of the night.

I always imagined heaven to be exactly like Pinto’s Place.
Fact: Ponta Do Ouro Means Tip of Gold.... It almost sounds like a Dare *wink*

XOXO Sins...