The Dollhouse

Porcelain Dolls in The Concrete Jungle

Friday, September 2, 2011


The Enviro Serve Centre had their Seed to Tree planting day an extremely sunny Saturday in August. Being the “Save the world Veteran” I am, I was there to um.... lend a manicured hand.
 Little Malia leads the way.
 You want us to do what??? With our bare hands???

The aim of this activity was to plant 365 fruit baring trees to donate to community projects around Gauteng. The first part involved mixing of compost and planting the actual seeds which stood the risk of one’s hands actually coming into contact with a worm. Now those of you who know me know my lifelong condition of scolecephobia, so as much of a dive–in-there-and-get-your-hands-dirty type a Doll I am... this was a no go situation for me. But I delegated myself to the significant job of making sure the beer was in the fridge and that everybody had one when needed. With Different and new people from all walks of life pulling their weight for this worthy course, our goal was met and exceeded and we called it a day when the 433rd seedling was planted.

 As you can see everyone worked their tushes off....

Proud of ourselves we all settled to a well deserved lunch and yes... more beer as we listened to the soothing drum beats played by the eloquent Aumji as we got a little more acquainted with each other. One thing you can always count on is meeting different and interesting individuals at these working gatherings.

 The Girls showed Aumji just how drums are supposed to be played!

Check out more of the pics on the link below

These events are always free and shift focus to what can be done by many hands rather than many rands. So you too can help save the world. Contact Mikal and make a difference


XOXO Cins...

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