The Dollhouse

Porcelain Dolls in The Concrete Jungle

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Orlando towers

So Saturday had been planned for weeks once the height and water fearing Sharlz finally agreed to redeem her birthday present of climbing up one of the twin towers. We set off with our very own taxi driver trained driver... no seriously this doll drives like she got advanced driving from the head of the Alex taxi association himself. Taxi’s were hooting at us for cutting them off.

We found our way to the twin towers and with music blearing I couldn’t wait to enter. Can you imagine my excitement when the first sight to the left is a bar. We excitedly carbo loaded while we waited for our turn to climb the left twin. And by carbo loaded I’m not talking about the pap and vleis that smelled delicious. We nervously sipped out of green bottles as we watched a 9 year old girl clear the wall in seconds while the adults struggled to find their footing. My poor friend Sharlz was ordered to go first and I swear she looked like she was about to hurl.

Surprisingly all she needed was a little push towards the heavens for her to conquer her fear and do her frog-like dance all the way up without stopping for air. Well that didn’t put any unnecessary pressure on the rest of us! Soccer playing gym bunnies or not, fear knows no limit. I must say the activity, though almost outshone by the beer in the bar, was one of the best idea’s Alvira’s come up with.
We all bravely climbed right to the top of the designated 20 meters, some of us relieved not to be one of the bungee jumpers peeing in their pants as we watched them, not jumping, but getting pushed over the ledge. Seemingly they starved themselves so as to avoid throwing up on the way down cause they were somewhat still shakily scoffing down the cuisine at the restaurant afterwards. So if you just needed a reason then then the pap and vleis is you’re season. I recommend you take the plunge.
The charming restaurant served us pap and vleis near a bon fire as we danced to local beats feeling very cultural and proudly South African.
I advocate this outing to every doll or dude to grace our shores. The whole vibe was eclectic. For optimum enjoyment take a big group of Acrophobes.

And last but definately not least:   The million dollar money shot. I am all woman and proud!

Cindy Bonelle “likes” this.
XOXO Cins...

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