The Dollhouse

Porcelain Dolls in The Concrete Jungle

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Slutwalk

Hi Dolls,

Today’s I have finally forced myself to deal with the sexy, the bad and the ugliness of this post. Mainly because it so close to home in so many ways.

Living in a country where a girl child is more likely to get raped than she is to learn to read, rape is almost inevitable. As we struggle to protect our daughters, our mothers, our sisters, our lesbian counterparts and ourselves from this fate, our Justice system, fights against us, the victims in this emotionally physical gender war.

South Africa has some of the highest incidences of child and baby rape in the world.

This means that on average approximately one thousand three hundred women can be expected to be raped a day in South Africa.

Between 28 and 30 percent of adolescents reported that their first sexual encounter was forced.

As we Cry our Beloved Country, a women is raped every 26 seconds.

South African Shock as alleged Rape Victim is charged: South African Human rights groups have expressed shock at  a decision to charge a 15-year-old alleged gang-rape victim with having underage sex – November 2010.

And not to mention the huge problem with the sick prognosis that Lesbianism is a disease cured by corrective rape.

Aphiwe Ntshona a colledge student, Noxolo Nkosana was raped and stabbed twice and Banyana Banyana’s Eudy Simalane who like me was a soccer player but wasn’t so lucky, as her “Correction” ended her life so brutally it made South Africa stop and notice, but alas only for a few days and one of Eudy’s killers were only sentenced to 32 years. Really???

Being a soccer player (okay not to the magnitude of Banyana Banyana but a player none the less) a dizzy attraction to homosexuals and a penchant addiction to micro mini skirts, rape affects my everyday life as well as who I am because I am the result of a rape case.

So you can imagine my determination to take to the streets in one of my many little dresses to bravely take a stand against this Bullshit, that we have to deal with just because we are born with a vagina.

The Slutwalk originated in Toronto where thousands of mostly women marched to highlight what should be a painfully obvious fact to society: “Sexual assault is an act of violence by the perpetrator and not one asked for by the victim”

Today in 2011 South African police ask women reporting rape two accusing questions:

1.       What were you wearing?

2.       Where you drunk?

True Story.....

Some of us got our march weekends wrong and thought this was Gay pride....

Sade Giliberti thought the road was closed off for H2O....

The only time I have been happy to see these guys. I was very impressed to see a female copper donning fishnets as she patrolled.

The founder of Slutwalk Joburg.

Being interviwed!

For some reason some of my pics are not loading rotated but regardless of the crab's eye view, I couldn't leave this gem out.

Wish there had been a larger turnout but there's always next year.... Right dolls?

XOXO Cins....

Pictures by: Alvira Engelbrecht

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